петак, 17. мај 2013.

Demi Lovato: Kako sam konačno zabršila svoju svađu sa Selenom Gomez! / Demi Lovato: How I Finally Ended My Feud With Selena Gomez

Demi i Selena su obe odrasle u Teksasu i upoznale se dok su snimale 'Barney & Friends' u 2002! Ali bilo je i vreme kada ove dve nisu pričale i Demi nam to otkriva u novom intervju šta ih je vratilo na status najboljih drugarica!

Demi Lovato i Selena Gomez su drugarice do kraja. Obe su bile prijateljice od 2002, ali je to bila jedna vožnja puna prepreka. Demi napokon otkriva za MTV kako su ove dve uspele da prodju njihove različitosti i postanu najbolje drugarice. 

Kako su Selena Gomez & Demi Lovato okončale svađu

Njih dve su bile na TV-u i filmovima zajedno. Čak su i radile na zajedničkoj muzici, ali je u jednom momentu Demi priznala da su 2010. prestale da pričaju.

Sada kaže da su bolje nego ikad jer su obe shvatile da je život previše kratak.
"Prošle smo kroz mnogo toga zajedno, imale smo periode kada smo se odvojile i nismo baš pričale. Sada smo shvatile da je život previše kratak i da kada imate ljude u vašem životu koje mnogo volite onda, vi trebate uvek da budete tu za njih. Ona će postati velika sestra i želim da budem tu za to. Ona ima divnu dušu, veliki talenat, lepa je i uvek će biti blizu mog srca," ističe Demi.
Izgleda da je Demi čak i ponosna na Selenin muzički uspeh i obožava njen novi singl "Come & Get It."
"Sviđa mi se njen singl "Come & Get It. Išla sam na odmor u Barbados, i to je sve što sam slušala i što smo ja i moji prijatelji puštali,a što se radija tiče, uvek ga pustim veoma glasno i kažem svima da ućute osim ako ne pevaju, ali je divno videti da je tako daleko dogurala." 

Demi and Selena bot grew up in Texas and met while filming ‘Barney & Friends’ in 2002! But there was a time when these two didn’t speak and Demi reveals in a brand new interview what brought them back to bestie status!

Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez are friends until the end. The couple have been friends since 2002 but it’s been a bumpy ride. Demi finally tells MTV how these two settled their differences and went to becoming the best of friends.

How Selena Gomez & Demi Lovato Ended Their Feud

The duo have been on TV and films together. They even have worked on music but at one point Demi admitted in 2010 they stopped talking.
But now she says they are better than ever because they both realized life is too short.
“We’ve been through a lot together, we’ve had periods of times we here we grew apart and we just didn’t really talk,” Demi said. “Now we are in a place where I think we realized that life is so short and that when you have people in your life that love you so much then, you should just always be around them. She’s going to be a big sister, and I want to be around for that. Everything about her, she has a great soul, she’s talented, she’s beautiful, and she will always be really, really close to my heart.”
It turns out that Demi is even proud of Selena’s musical success and loves her new single “Come & Get It.”
“I love her single ‘Come & Get It,’ ” she said. “I went on vacation in Barbados, and that’s all I listened to, and that’s all me and my other friends blared, and when it comes on the radio, I turn it up really loud and tell everyone to shut up unless they are singing it, but it’s so awesome to see her come so far.”

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